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WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Players Already Attained Level 70
The Dark Portal to Outland may have just opened however, many players from one of the top World of Warcraft : Burning Crusade Classic raiding guilds have already reached the level 70 mark.
According to Wowhead the five-man group composed of members from the guild Progress are the winners of the world's first 70-level 70s at Burning Crusade Classic, with Hacez being the first player. Hacez hitting the milestone first. Other members of Hacez's team reached 70 just a few minutes later. The total time required to reach the game's newly released limit was around 13 hours.
World of Warcraft Classic Burning Crusade Reveal
The team was able to achieve this feat by accumulating completed quests at level 60 , and then turning into the group as soon as Burning Crusade Classic launched for some quick gaming. Then, the group continued to explore dungeons day and night for hours on for hours until they reached the level 70. Progress is said to already have more than enough level 70s to begin running the game's new 10 and 25-man raids placing it well on its way to achieving world first removals from Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, or Magtheridon's Lair
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