What do we do at Road to SHEQ?
- We answer SHERQ related questions
- We help you turn problems into possible profits!
- We help you turn obstacles into opportunities for Continual Improvement!
How do we do it? We help you to;
- Understand the context of your organisation
- Understand the needs and expectations of interested parties
- Understand the scope of your SHERQ / Business Management system
- Create the required policies
- Formalize organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities
- With the consultation and participation of employees and contractors (as applicable)
- Identify hazards & risks / aspects & impacts, and opportunities (analyse, evaluate and mitigate; avoid, remove, change likelihood or consequence, share or shoulder the risks)
- Determine legal and other requirements
- Identify opportunities, objectives and targets
- Formalize your internal & external communication
- Identify your support requirements; human resources, suppliers, IT, etc.
- Create the required procedures, work instructions, checklists, forms etc.
- Focus on operational planning and control, management of change and waste management (as applicable)
- Focus on the security of your facility and/or transport of high value goods
- Emergency preparedness and response / Disaster Management & Recovery / Road Traffic crashes and other traffic incident investigation (as applicable)
- With performance evaluation; monitoring, measurement, analysis, evaluation, internal audits & management review
- With continual improvement; non-conformance management