Tonight's Phinsider Question Of The Day is who is your dark
horse candidate to make the Miami Dolphins final 53 man roster? I know the first
name for most will be Preston
Harris Jersey , who, had he not..." />Skip to main
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Of The Day (W/ Live Thread, General Discussion ) 07/18/2019
New,4commentsEDTTonight's Phinsider Question Of The Day is who is your dark
horse candidate to make the Miami Dolphins final 53 man roster? I know the first
name for most will be Preston Williams, who, had he not been such a bone head in
college, would have clearly been drafted and if it had been by the Dolphins I
think few might question his making the roster. So with that in mind do you have
another player that you suspect will surprise us all and show up in the final 53
man count? As well as this almost nightly post serving as the Phinsider Question
Of The Day post it will also serve as a live thread meaning that pretty much
anything is up for discussion so long as you to follow all of the site rules. If
you are
Sanders Jersey , for whatever reason, not aware of or need a refresher of
the sites rules please check the “library” tab under the “more” tab at the top
of the front page. The page not only has all of the sites rules but also has a
ton of good tips to make your blogging experience here much more enjoyable or at
least more smooth. Rashad played for 4 different teams in his tenure, and also
moonlights as radio personality for 790 the Ticket in south Florida." />Skip
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Miami Dolphins training camp, interview with 8-year NFL vet Rashad Butler
New,1commentRashad played for 4 different teams in his tenure, and also
moonlights as radio personality for 790 the Ticket in south Florida. EDTShare
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hinsider Daily: Miami Dolphins training
camp, interview with 8-year NFL vet Rashad Butler
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ImagesPhinsider Daily is a new spin-off of Phinsider Radio and
Ballage Jersey , we’ll be coming to you five days per week for your Miami
Dolphins scoop, Monday-Friday. The flagship show of Matthew Cannata, Josh Houtz,
and Aaron Sutton continues for its 4th season. In addition to that, Matt
(Monday), A-A-Ron (Tuesday), and Josh (Wednesday) will bring their own 20-minute
podcast to the cyberspace air waves — we’ll alternate on Fridays.Here’s what’s
in store for this episode of Phinsider
Smythe Jersey , and make sure you follow me on Twitter @ASuttonPFN!~
Interview with Rashad Butler, 8 year NFL veteran and radio personality on 790
the Ticket. I get a player’s perspective on training camp and, with his
background at tackle, ask his opinion on the Dolphins offensive line. ~ I’ll
also pick his brain about the aspects of training camp that leads fans astray,
and which ones happen right in front of our face that we’re not appreciating.All
this and more on this episode of Phinsider Daily!Be sure to tune in by clicking
the link below or finding us on iTunes/your favorite podcast app. Simply search
for The Phinsider.