The blocking needs to be tightened up » Discussions

The blocking needs to be tightened up

  • de von
    April 24, 2023
    (hot take) blocking with shields shouldn’t give you a free swing like they do in some games. Their purpose should be to shut down archers, and to buy some time for your teammates to come help you Dark And Darker Gold. If they gave you a free swing, then the shield user would always win against a non-shield user. Unless they improved the parry system for 2H but then it quickly becomes unfun gameplay where sweatlords block all damage with parries. Games that strongly reward high skill, such as Mordhau, M&B, Gloria Victus, etc, tend to have very low populations. The reason is likely that it is incredibly unfun for a new/bad player to feel like he never had a chance against a good player. In Dark and Darker, at least that noob can land a couple hits and at least hurt the sweatlord.

    The blocking needs to be tightened up, not buffed. It feels absurdly janky right now, you shouldn't have to crouch down and look directly at the ceiling to block an overhead axe swing, it isn't hard, it's just stupid. Make blocking favor the blocker slightly more and if it turns out to be too good, (which I highly doubt, if you're struggling to hit a guy through his block just have your ally get around him, or hit his feet, and if you can't do either of those then maybe you hadn't ought to be pushing up) then add a timer on how long you can hold a block up. Timed block is how most of these games handle this type of thing

    I think a big buff to blocking is a good idea for the next play test, throw a bunch of stuff against the wall and see what sticks and what doesn't. Get a bunch of data so they can bring it in line for the early access launch.

    I will say that I felt like the most effect I got out of blocking in the last test was blocking archers as I reposition or peak a doorway/hallway, and blocking/crowding a rogue or other fast attacker to buy time while my team kills it. Some PvE scenarios but 95% of the time just dodging PvE attacks and PvP attacks is safer and more reliable that trying to block them.

    I realized with the suggestion discord channel that the majority of the people makes a suggestion thinking it will be highly upvoted (because they think is a great idea and even defend it !) but in reality the majority is highly disliked cheap Dark And Darker Gold, that's why gamestudios fail when they try to listen to everybody.