Although the conclusion of the story isn't yet


    "One among the goals that we wanted to do was return the storyline to its roots returning to family and back to the races and characters which make up Azeroth," Feasel said. "What are our faction's chiefs doing and how do they think of the current situation of the world buy WoTLK Gold? We check in with them on a regular basis, but how is their outlook on conflict? It gives a chance to reset our minds and remind ourselves what we are fighting for and what we're fighting for."

    Although the conclusion of the story isn't yet in sight the players are waiting for it to be, Blizzard is aware of where all this is taking us and how it will lead to the next major event in the story. Part of that simply comes due to the extended duration needed for the development of new mechanics, zones, and equipment.

    "It takes time to create content, so we must know where the story is going," Kowalkowski said. "We have a good idea of where the narrative is headed. We definitely know how that will work together."

    Blizzard believes that by introducing storytelling hooks and new mechanics along with the possibility of checking in with its beloved characters, they will help sustain the game's success. The studio discontinued reporting active subscribers in 2015 buy WoW WoTLK Classic Gold. and the rise of online games and genres like the loot-shooter and battle royale show that it is no longer the undisputed king of social-focused online game.