
  • marketing
  • Tags - #Email Marketing #drip campaigns #newsletter
    • Last updated April 25, 2022
    • 0 comments, 27,799 views, 0 rates
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Use this to create emailing or sequence (drip) campaigns. Personalise your newsletters or cold emails (drip until recipients reply) by adding your own SMTP provider and IMAP.
Track opens, clicks, bounce, unsubscribe, replies and create stunning emailing

Popular Tags ( marketing) marketing's Listings

  • SEO
    0 comments, 0 reviews , 0 rates
  • Lead Generation
    0 comments, 0 reviews , 0 rates
  • Website Builder  (Starter)
    0 comments, 0 reviews , 0 rates
    ZAR 116.58

Best Alternatives

  • Website Builder (Premium)
    0 comments, 0 reviews , 0 rates
    ZAR 252.83
  • Email, phone & social media extractor
    0 comments, 0 reviews , 0 rates
    ZAR 953.7
  • Customer and audience feedback
    0 comments, 0 reviews , 0 rates
