Create a free Business Page

Manage a professional online presence
Create your own Business Page
Create a free Business Page

Create a free Business Page

All you need to get started is a account and a verified email address.

To get listed in the business directory, you will need to complete your business profile page. This process will take you between 10-15 minutes to complete. You will be asked to choose a subscription package for you page. Choose your directory subscription (you can always change this at a later stage), based on the features listed.

The Basic page is free to all members and you have access to various tools to advertise your company profile to large corporate buyers and other companies in your network.

Complete your company profile

  • Add a cover image and your logo

    Include your company's logo and a cover image to bring your page to life. Your logo and details appears when members search for your company or products, and it will be on your any newsfeed from your company.

  • Add a description of your company

    Try to concisely describe what your company does, its specialties, and what makes your business unique. This overview will provide your target audience with a concise desciption of your company

Manage your Business Page from the Dashboard

To make things simpler for you we have built a dashboard with tons of options.

Not only will this provide you with information on how your page is performing, but will allow you to measure and improve by:

  • » attracting more connexions
  • » publishing and sharing content
  • » promoting your brand
  • » creating events
  • » listing products in the marketplace, and much more. Content Marketing

Every great content marketer begins their strategy in a spreadsheet or slide deck – building plans, plotting distribution,
crunching performance metrics, checking budgets, and presenting results to management. Regardless of whether you have access to powerful online collaboration and management tools, you can create a strategy that moves your brand forward with's online resources.

Industry research across multiple counties cites how marketers are being tasked with increasing their production of content – or starting a content marketing strategy from scratch. These marketers often lack resources to launch their ambitious programs. A common complaint we hear from peers is that
content can take a lot of their time to implement. Professionals at small companies or businesses located in emerging markets feel this challenge even more acutely. Where can they get started or what can be done to improve their process?

Luckily, implementing a content marketing strategy doesn’t feel daunting when you have tools and templates that are easy to use. No one wants to reinvent the wheel – so you shouldn’t recreate
calendars, plans, or checklists. Use ours
instead! provides you with the tools to jumpstart your planning process. 

Attract more followers

Add easy links

Promote your Company Page by linking to it from your emails, newsletters, blogs, and other marketing channels. Add a “Follow” button to your website, so it’s simple for visitors to click and follow your Company Page.

Create a Company Page follow button

Publish and share content

Posting daily company updates is the most effective way to attract followers to your Company Page

Share company news, industry articles, or thought leadership pieces, or ask followers to weigh in on hot topics. Posts will appear on your Company Page and in the news feed on the homepage of each of your followers across all devices and platforms.

Learn more about publishing Company Page updates

Promote your brand

Drive leads with Sponsored Content

Promote your best company updates to highly targeted audiences using Sponsored Content,'s premier ad format. Raise brand awareness, generate quality leads, and gain followers by extending the reach of your company updates.


Learn about Sponsored Content


Ensure your brand has fresh content available all year and that you take important dates into consideration by filling out a Content Calendar.

This is simple way to align your marketing team and keep cross-functional stakeholders informed about big campaigns.


Content only delivers value for your brand if the right people find it. provides you with the resources to promote your content on most social platforms– enabling you to post across LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more while meeting the specific requirements and best practices of each platform.


The objective behind doing an audit may vary from fiscal year planning to product launches - and more. can help you keep track of existing assets and where to find them. Take your analysis a step further by including performance metrics and recommending next steps.


How much new content do you need? A Content Gap Analysis will help you to identify holes in your content assets by plotting existing content against marketing objectives, the buyer’s journey, and/or key personas. This is a perfect follow-up to a Content Audit so that you can visually see the gaps that must be addressed.


By making use of, you will automatically receive the benefits of our tried-and-tested SEO integrations increase the organic search traffic to your website, blog, and landing pages